Harrogate Town AFC, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 7RY
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Planning and development
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Your property's planning history
Installation of 5 flagpoles, display of 5 flags and fascia signage.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 09/12/2024 -
Installation of 5 flagpoles, display of 5 flags and fascia signage.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 09/12/2024 -
Discharge of details required under conditions 3 (external materials), 4 (noise mitigation scheme), 5 (acoustic barrier) and 7 (travel plan) of planning permission - 22/04130/FUL Erection of replacement terrace with spectator facilities and associated works, installation of seating to existing terraces and demolition of 1919 venue.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 21/08/2023 -
Application to vary condition 2(approved plans) of planning approval 22/04130/FUL - Erection of replacement terrace with spectator facilities and associated works, installation of seating to existing terraces and demolition of 1919 venue - to allow alterations to extent of roof cover; increase in height to toilet and kiosk facilities; roof cladding and addition of roller shutter door.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 21/08/2023 -
Application to approve details in relation to Condition 6 (external lighting) of planning approval 22/04130/FUL - Erection of replacement terrace with spectator facilities and associated works, installation of seating to existing terraces and demolition of 1919 venue.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 13/07/2023 -
Application Reference Number: 22/04130/FUL Date of Decision: 01/03/2023 Condition Number(s): 2 Conditions(s) Removal: Please refer to enclosed covering letter Please refer to enclosed covering letter
Application Closed
Date of decision: 29/06/2023 -
Approval of details under condition 8 (construction management plan) of planning permission 22/04130/FUL - Erection of replacement terrace with spectator facilities and associated works, installation of seating to existing terraces and demolition of 1919 venue.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 15/05/2023 -
Approval of details under condition 9 (drainage) of planning permission 22/04130/FUL - Erection of replacement terrace with spectator facilities and associated works, installation of seating to existing terraces and demolition of 1919 venue.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 05/05/2023 -
Erection of terrace and merchandise kiosk.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 28/04/2023 -
Erection of replacement terrace with spectator facilities and associated works, installation of seating to existing terraces and demolition of 1919 venue.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 01/03/2023 -
Variation of conditions 2 (drawings) to increase crossing width across the Stray and gates, of planning consent 21/05013/FUL - Formation of new access/egress with gates and alteration to rear loading stand with associated works. Condition Number(s): 2
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 04/01/2023 -
Installation of temporary marquee containing a refreshment bar.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 07/12/2022 -
Erection of two storey clubhouse with corporate suite and covered seating gallery and demolition of existing clubhouse and toilet block.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 24/11/2022 -
Variation of conditions 2 (drawings), 4 and 5 (BREEAM), and 13 (noise) of planning permission 19/01098/DVCMAJ to allow alterations to design, appearance and layout of approved south stand.
Application Withdrawn
Date of decision: 01/11/2022 -
Erection of replacement turnstiles and kiosk with access and landscaping.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 25/10/2022 -
Erection of spectator facility.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 06/09/2022 -
Scoreboard sign.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 09/08/2022 -
Discharge of details relating to condition 4 (noise management plan) of planning permission 22/00529/FUL - Erection of infill extension to corporate stand.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 08/08/2022 -
Erection of infill extension to corporate stand.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 07/07/2022 -
Formation of new access/egress with gates and alteration to rear loading stand with associated works.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 10/06/2022 -
Approval of details under condition 5 (external works) of planning permission 21/02740/FUL - Erection of an extension to existing office with associated external works.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 22/03/2022 -
Non material minor amendment to vary the surface material under condition 4 (highways) of planning permission 21/02740/FUL - Erection of an extension to existing office with associated external works.
Non Material Amendment Approved
Date of decision: 22/02/2022 -
Erection of an extension to existing office with associated external works.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 23/12/2021 -
Application for a Certificate of lawfulness in relation to the lawful commencement of the development permitted under Ref 19/01098/DVCMAJ.
Lawful Development Certificate permitted
Date of decision: 16/11/2021 -
Non-Material Amendment to planning permission Ref 19/01098/DVCMAJ to resolve discrepancy in Phase 1 drawing.
Non Material Amendment Approved
Date of decision: 01/09/2021 -
Erection of 1no. non illuminated Fascia Sign and 1no. illuminated HTAFC Logo
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 17/08/2021 -
Erection of two-storey ticket office and turnstiles to include demolition of existing office and turnstiles.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 30/04/2021 -
Variation of Condition Nos 2, 4, 5, 7 & 22 of planning permission Ref18/03954/DVCMAJ to allow for the erection of a shortened east stand, reduction of BREEAM standard, amendment to timing of bat survey and timing of erection of high net.
Application Withdrawn
Date of decision: 05/03/2021 -
Non-material amendment to allow for changes to the dimensions of filming gantry allowed by planning permission Ref 20/01605/FUL.
Non Material Amendment Approved
Date of decision: 09/11/2020 -
Extension to existing changing rooms, alterations to away supporters' WC and erection of temporary office accommodation.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 09/10/2020 -
Erection of filming gantry on roof of Wetherby Road terrace.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 08/07/2020 -
Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings) of permission Ref 19/04251/FUL to allow alterations to family stand.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 03/07/2020 -
Approval of details required by Condition 8 (External Lighting) of permission Ref 19/01098/DVCMAJ for various works at Harrogate Town AFC
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 20/05/2020 -
Installation of two new toilet blocks (revised description).
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 23/01/2020 -
Partial demolition of existing stand and creation of new family stand.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 20/12/2019 -
Application for the approval of details required under condition 2 (acoustic screening) and condition 5 (noise assessment) of planning permission 19/00018/FUL - Installation of 3 no. terraces.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 04/07/2019 -
Removal of existing 3G pitch and formation of new grass pitch.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 25/04/2019 -
Formation of new grass pitch to be installed over the existing 3G pitch.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 25/04/2019 -
Installation of 3 no. terraces.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 15/04/2019 -
Application for the variation of conditions of planning permission 17/04738/FULMAJ to allow for alterations to Wetherby Road terrace design; amendment of Stage One Design Certificate requirement; Update of Tree Survey; Alterations to Travel Plan; Alterations of wheel wash requirements; Amendment to drainage requirements; Alteration to netting requirements (revised description).
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 17/01/2019 -
Approval of details required under condition 14 (Travel plan) of planning permission 17/04738/FULMAJ - Retention of 3G playing pitch, demolition of existing bar, office, changing rooms and corporate hospitality stand, and development of a clubhouse, turnstiles, extension to the family stand, extension to the south stand, new seated terraces to the north east and east, office building, floodlighting scheme and associated access arrangements.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 17/12/2018 -
Application for approval of details required under Conditions 21 (High Net) of Planning Permission 17/04738/FULMAJ - Retention of 3G playing pitch, demolition of existing bar, office, changing rooms and corporate hospitality stand, and development of a clubhouse, turnstiles, extension to the family stand, extension to the south stand, new seated terraces to the north east and east, office building, floodlighting scheme and associated access arrangements.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 03/10/2018 -
Retention of 3G playing pitch, demolition of existing bar, office, changing rooms and corporate hospitality stand, and development of a clubhouse, turnstiles, extension to the family stand, extension to the south stand, new seated terraces to the north east and east, office building, floodlighting scheme and associated access arrangements.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 10/08/2018 -
Environmental Impact Screening Opinion for Demolition of existing bar, office, changing rooms, entrance building and corporate hospitality stand. Retention of 3G playing pitch. Erection of new clubhouse, entrance building including turnstiles, two seated terraces with bar and classrooms, office building. Erection of extensions to family stand and south stand including floodlighting scheme and access arrangements.
Env Impact Assessment Not Required
Date of decision: 23/11/2017 -
Formation of small infill section of terraced seating, erection of new canopy above and installation of a replacement portacabin.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 29/03/2017 -
Notification of installation of 3 replacement telecommunications Antennas.
Permitted Development
Date of decision: 10/02/2015 -
Approval of details under condition 3 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 4 (Noise Reduction Scheme), and 5 (Material Sample) of planning permission 6.79.3905.K.DISCON.
Confirmation of discharge of condition
Date of decision: 22/07/2014 -
Erection of spectator terrace and toilets for the west end of the ground.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 01/05/2013 -
Display of 2 externally illuminated fascia signs.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 30/07/2012 -
Application for approval of details requried by conditions 3 and 4 of planning permission 6.79.3905.H.FUL in relation to colour of render and stand and details of security shutters / grills.
Refusal to confirm discharge of conds
Date of decision: 06/06/2012 -
Erection of replacement spectator stand and alterations to shop and offices to include rendering and the installation of replacement doors and windows.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 25/01/2012 -
Conservation area application for the demolition of spectator stand.
Permission Not Required
Date of decision: 29/11/2011 -
Retention of portacabin.
Temporary Permission
Date of decision: 06/08/2007 -
HARROGATE TOWN AFC, WETHERBY ROAD, HARROGATE. Erection of 300 seat spectators' stand.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 05/12/1989 -
Replacement of old wooden grand stand with a new steel and concrete structure, removal of centre floodlight and re-position and erect new one to match HARROGATE TOWN A.F.C., WETHERBY ROAD, HARROGATE
Application Refused
Date of decision: 26/07/1989 -
Erection of public toilet for use by disabled persons. HARROGATE TOWN A.F.C., WETHERBY ROAD, HARROGATE
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 22/08/1988 -
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 26/10/1987 -
Ticket office and turnstiles WETHERBY ROAD, HARROGATE
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 26/10/1987 -
WETHERBY ROAD FOOTBALL GROUND, HARROGATE. Erecting 3 portacabins to extend club rooms,
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 13/09/1983 -
Erection of floodlights.
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 02/02/1983 -
Erection of floodlighting for Harrogate Town Football Ground, Wetherby Road, Harrogate
Application Permitted
Date of decision: 21/07/1981 -
Display of 1 set of externally illuminated letters.
Application Withdrawn
Flood risk
Check for any current flood warnings that affect your property.
More information about flood risk is available from the Environment Agency.
Tree preservation orders
The 10 nearest tree preservation orders to your property:
TPO Id Distance from
property (approx)47/1998 G1 1birch1cedar29beech 32m map 13/1999 T13 oak 50m map 13/1999 T12 beech 56m map 13/1999 T11 beech 62m map 37/2019 W1 Mixed deciduous 71m map 02/2011 G1 2oak1scpine2cedar1birch2hol2beech9thorn 79m map 37/2019 W2 Mixed coniferous and deciduous 95m map 05/2021 T4 Sycamore 101m map 05/2021 T5 Plum Leaved Cherry 104m map 13/1999 T14 syc 106m map -
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