Prior to publishing any changes to your site, please submit screenshots or a link to your development site for review.

Banner and logo

Our preferred banner and logo combination for external systems is a white logo on a blue background (as per this template). The full colour logo can be used against a white background if the site is unable to incorporate the blue banner.

You should use the SVG version of the logo where possible. JPG and PNG versions are also available below. Note, assets must be hosted on the external site. Please do not hotlink from the North Yorkshire Council website.

White logo with transparent background


North Yorkshire Council white logo in SVG format


North Yorkshire Council white logo in PNG format

Full colour logo


North Yorkshire Council full colour logo in SVG format


North Yorkshire Council full colour logo in PNG format


North Yorkshire Council full colour logo in JPG format

Logo padding

A space the size of the centre rose section is to be left around the logo, this creates breathing space for the logo and maintains a clear and concise identity. If the exact measurement is not possible within the parameters of the platform, then a suitable area must still be left around the logo.

An image demonstrating the padding required around the logo

Logo resizing

You must retain the aspect ratio of the logo if it needs to be resized. Do not reproduce the logo in any other colours and do not add any additional wording.

Logo destination URL

The logo should direct users to the homepage of the external system. A link in the footer will allow users to navigate back to our public website.


Google Open Sans is our chosen font for websites.


Write all headings in sentence case. The sizing should be set as follows:

H2 font-size 36px

H3 font-size 24px

H4 font-size 19px

Paragraph text

The font size for standard paragraph text is 17px.


When writing a link, make it descriptive and front-load it with relevant terms instead of using something generic like ‘click here’ or ‘more’. Generic links do not make sense out of context or tell users where a link will take them. They also do not work for people using screen readers, who often scan through a list of links to navigate a page. It’s important the links are descriptive so they make sense in isolation. Find more information about links on GOV.UK.

Corporate colours

Principal colours are blue, green and brown (water, countryside and heritage).








Footer logo


North Yorkshire Council footer logo in SVG format


North Yorkshire Council footer logo in PNG format


North Yorkshire Council footer colour logo in JPG format

Footer links

Footer links eg. accessibility and cookies, should direct users to the corresponding page of the North Yorkshire Council website unless you house this information on your own site.


Ensure the site conforms to WCAG 2.1 level AA. If the site does not meet these standards, you must publish an accessibility statement which details areas of non-compliance. View GOV.UK for further information on accessibility.

The following colours should be used for focus states ie. to indicate which element is focused on. Keyboard tab to the elements within this template for examples.


Responsive design

This template is built using the Bootstrap frontend toolkit. Sites may use a different framework but the responsive design of each element should remain the same.

GOV.UK Design System

Our styles, components and patterns are closely linked to the GOV.UK Design System, which ensures our services are consistent and based upon research. Please ensure you follow the design system where possible.

Further branding information

You can request our branding guide for detailed information about our brand.